轉知:[PwC資誠聯合會計師事務所-永續發展及氣候變遷部門] 顧問徵才資訊
隨著氣候變遷及企業永續發展議題日益延燒, 儼然已是全球企業所共同面臨之挑戰及問題,永續發展是一個長期的實踐及承諾, 希望對於永續發展及氣候變遷領域有熱忱的大四應畢生及碩士畢業生的您們,請將您豐富的學經歷寄至以下信箱,期盼你/妳加入資誠永續團隊!

★應徵方式: 請將履歷寄至betty.h.kao@pwc.com 高小姐



資誠為永續領域的解決方案先驅,協助台灣企業追求永續發展,邁 向低碳經濟,我們責無旁貸。在永續這條路上,資誠希望繼續與大 家攜手並進,讓改變被發現、讓影響被看見 !




1.Draft report and provide CSR-related consultation.

2.Perform assurance service on selected CSR subject matters

3 Assist in developing and executing multi-year ESG strategy.

4.Apply analytical skills in developing analytics and solutions that help clients detect, monitor, and predict ESG risk,including climate and social risks.


1.Strong sense of responsibility, detail-minded, and able to work independently.

2.Strong research, analytical and report writing skills.

3 Excellent critical thinking, intellectual curiosity and problem solving capabilities.

4.Team player, self-motivated and proactive attitude.

5.Excellent Chinese and English Commuication and writing skills is preferred

薪資福利: 面議